What exercise to choose for the abdominal muscles

In order to get rid of the big belly, many of us begin perform press exercise. Long, hard and unsuccessfully. Why? Because targeted exercises for this group of muscles only strengthen and increase abs but no more … And all your efforts may remain unnoticed under a layer of fat, which is densely settled there. If you want your abs to be well defined, be prepared for hard work. After all, you need to get rid of excess fat but without diet and aerobic load it will be hard to achieve your goal.
Understand that the best exercise for all does not exist. We are different: we have different genetics and anthropology, we feel in different way load of the same exercise, so you need to listen to yourself and choose the exercise that works best for you. There are a lot of options: it is different crunches and leg raises that are performed as with weight or not. It is believed that the rise of body load the upper press, and leg lift – lower one. But this division is quite arbitrary, since the rectus abdominis is one.
So, in order to lose weight and see a clear abs you need to do two things:
1. Continue intensive training
2. Minimize body fat
Then why many people continue to perform hundreds of crunches for the abs to get rid of excess fat? They just believe in the principle of point reduction. That mean, in order to burn fat in a specific part of body it is necessary to train hard that part. Goldenmuscles.com assures you that do not work. And even when your body feels deficient of calories from dietary restrictions or increase physical activity, this does not mean that you will lose fat exactly where the muscles do the most important work. But an abdominal workout will help you create well defined muscles that will appear after you lose excess fat through diet and aerobic exercise.
Simply, to get results, it is not enough to keep diet and perform press exercise. You need to keep diet, perform press exercise and run! Only with these three exercises you will achieve your goal.