Do i need steroids?

In our days more and more gyms visitors tend to take steroids, in the hope of the “easy” way to get pretty pumped body. Many of them before taking steroid learn hundreds of pages of information and feedbacks, consults with people familiarized with them and then “get on the cycle.” There is another group of person, who after a couple months of training begin looking for where to buy a pack of methane… is not going to tell you that steroids are harmful. People, who competent take steroids, not only bring minimal harm to their health but also help themselves.
If you are in doubt to take steroids or not, have a look on the following:
1. If you do not have a long experience of training (2-3 years), you will not get a good result from the cycle.
2. If you do not have a long experience of training, recoil after cycle could reach 100%, in other world you can lose all gained weight.
3. If you think to take only 1 or 2 cycle, and then continue to train naturally, then you are naive as a child. Probably you will keep some gained weight, but further progress without steroids would be virtually impossible. Why? Read the next paragraph.
4. Be ready to seem boring and pointless the training after steroids. You should to be a big fan of gym to train between cycles as hard as during the cycle. You will train and wait for the beginning of next cycle … You will know that without pills and injections you will not grow up.