Best home workout for a big chest

Here's one of the best bodyweight home workouts for packing on size on your chest

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to queue for your gym’s sole bench to build an athletic upper body. In fact, bench pressing isn’t even the best way to do it. This zero-kit workout, designed by strength and conditioning expert JC Santana, hits the muscle fibres in your chest and arms from every direction for the optimal number of reps needed for growth. Better yet, you can do it at home in just a few minutes a day.
  • Do this workout once or twice a week.
  • Do it 48 hours away from your regular bench day or as your regular upper-body workout.
  • Do all the reps of each move back to back (or with as little rest as possible), rest for two minutes and repeat two more times.
Rotational press-up
Reps 20
  • Start in a press-up position and lower yourself to one side, twisting as you do so most of your weight is on one shoulder.
  • Press up, then do the same on the other side. That’s two reps.
Shuffle press-up
Reps 20
  • Get in a press-up position with one hand ahead of your shoulder and one behind. Lower yourself to the floor and press up. That’s one rep.
  • At the top of the move, jump or walk your hands into the opposite position, then do the next rep. Continue alternating.
Diamond press-up
Reps 10
  • For this triceps blaster, position your hands together under your chest so your index fingers and thumbs form a triangle, and lower yourself until your chest touches your hands.
  • Press back up to the start.
Gorilla press-up
Reps 10
  • Start in a standard press-up position, lower yourself to the floor and then press up quickly, launching yourself off the floor.
  • Slap your chest quickly before returning your hands to the start position.
One-leg press-up
Reps 10
  • Raise one leg, keeping your glutes tight, and do a press-up.
  • Switch legs and repeat. That’s two reps. Now do the rest.