The complete guide of abs exercises and diet for the perfect six pack .

Welcome to the place dedicated to providing you with a complete guide to everything you need to build rock hard, six pack abs and a perfect flat stomach.
Here you will find everything required for awesome abdominal definition including detailed descriptions of all easy, intermediate and advanced ab exercises, the diet needed to burn the fat that is now hiding your six pack as well as complete guides on the best fat burning exercises and the importance of including muscle building to assist your ripped abs training. we have also included diaries of the exercise and diet programs that we devised in order to build our own six pack abs so that you can be sure that we know what works and what doesn't!
How To Get A Perfect Six Pack
Getting great abs is easy and straight forward for anyone who follows the
Rule One
For the best results the six pack muscles (rectus abdominia and outer obliques) need to be trained with exercises that are so intense that you can do only around 10 repetitions per set.
For this purpose we have an in-depth encyclopedia of all the easy, intermediate, and advanced exercises so that you can keep to this rule what ever your level of strength and fitness at the present time. However, please note that ab exercises only build the size and strength of the stomach muscles but will not remove the fat that presently hides them.
Rule Two
Everybody has a foundation of ab muscle which ab exercises build bigger and stronger. However, you can only remove the belly fat covering them by creating a calorie deficit of around 500 per day less than your maintenance level. If you do that you will lose approximately one pound of body fat per week which is the ideal target.
To assist in creating your calorie deficit you need to include some form of cardio in your training and the best in my opinion is short bursts of intense fat burning circuit training. What makes it so effective is that the intensity not only burns calories while you exercise but also increases your resting metabolic rate (RMR) so that you burn calories while at rest as well.
Rule Three
Diet is the single most important factor for six pack abs so as well as doing fat burning circuits you also need to follow the right diet to ensure ripped abs. Here we have devised a complete guide to the diet needed for awesome abdominal definition.
Rule Four
As well as ab exercises, fat burning circuits and diet You should also include some form of muscle building, whether that be weight training or bodyweight exercises, in your training. The reason is the more muscle you have the more calories you body burns. This not only ensures your six pack training is more effective but also makes the final results far more impressive.
How To Use This Site
This site has been designed as a complete guide on everything needed to build the perfect six pack. You can of course simply choose which ever exercises you like from the easy, intermediate or advanced ab exercises or follow one of the many easy, intermediate or advanced ab workouts specially designed for you.
However, the most effective way to use this site is to select the ab workout, fat burning circuit and muscle building routine for your present fitness level and follow the rippedabs diet advise we provide. If you do this you will have your very own six pack abs program and diet that adapts as you progress to ensure you reach your goal.
Why Build Great Abs?
Of all of the muscles that can be developed, the stomach muscles are without a doubt the ones that everybody wants and envies. The reasons for this are two-fold:
One: A great looking six pack is by far the most aesthetically pleasing muscle group to have and no other muscle can change the look of your whole body like great looking abs can.

Two: Defined stomach muscles are an instant indication of the fitness of the person who has them. This is because to have a six pack you need have a body fat percentage of 10% for men and 14% for women. This is far lower than the average person which in turn means that you are less likely to suffer from diseases such asdiabetes or heart problems.
How Long Does it Take to Get a Six Pack?
The length of time needed to obtain the perfect six pack or flat stomach is different for each individual and can take anything from six weeks to many months depending on your fat percentage at the start of training. However, what you can be sure of is that if you follow the plan that we have designed here you cannot fail to get a six pack and this is a scientific fact. The only variable is the time that it takes the individual.
Now that you have all the information you need on the best ab exercises, fat burning circuits, muscle building routines and diet plan to get the perfect six pack, why not
The Worlds Hardest Sit Up Challenge, and our partner challenges you to try the worlds hardest sit-up.If you accept the challenge, simply record your results and send us a link to your YouTube video via our contact us page doing the sit-up. If you are successful, you will APPEAR IN OUR HALL OF FAME!! And receive a free copy of our HARDCORE ABS TRAINING GUIDE which is a comprehensive guide on the exercises, fat burning and diet needed to get a rock solid six pack and ripped abs fast!!